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Rose Hero Armory

Rose Hero Drop Wiki

Rose Hero Drop Wiki

Material Name Drop Location Rarity
Red Crystal The Golden Ring Uncommon
Peos Stone The Golden Ring Uncommon
Ancient Scarab The Golden Ring Uncommon
Chromium The Golden Ring Uncommon
White Crystal The Golden Ring Uncommon
Capricornus Stone The Golden Ring Uncommon
Youl Stone The Golden Ring Uncommon
Win Stone The Golden Ring Uncommon
Hagal Stone The Golden Ring Uncommon
White Hearts The Golden Ring Uncommon
Petil The Golden Ring Uncommon
Denim The Golden Ring Uncommon
Meteorite The Golden Ring Rare
Sheer Linen The Golden Ring Rare
Dry Scale The Golden Ring Rare
Shining Stone The Golden Ring Rare
Hime The Golden Ring Rare
Patterned Leather The Golden Ring Rare
Spiritual Stone of Fire The Golden Ring Rare
Metil The Golden Ring Rare
Lisent Na The Golden Ring Rare
Philosopher Stone The Golden Ring Rare
Sephiroth Wood The Golden Ring Rare
Otherworldly Metal The Golden Ring Rare
Dry Leather The Golden Ring Rare
Ore of Fire The Golden Ring Rare
Enthiric The Golden Ring Epic
Hermes The Golden Ring Epic
Spiritual Stone of Hebarn The Golden Ring Epic
Lisent Cr The Golden Ring Epic
Low Enthiric The Golden Ring Epic
Lisent Au The Golden Ring Epic
Spiritual Stone of Oro The Golden Ring Epic
Broken Horn The Wasteland Common
Nymph Essence The Wasteland Common
Light Stone The Wasteland Common
Misian The Wasteland Common
Crystal Stone The Wasteland Common
Green Crystal The Wasteland Uncommon
Air Stone The Wasteland Uncommon
Hersian The Wasteland Uncommon
Wool The Wasteland Uncommon
Blue Crystal The Wasteland Uncommon
Red Crystal The Wasteland Uncommon
Peos Stone The Wasteland Uncommon
Ancient Scarab The Wasteland Uncommon
Chromium The Wasteland Uncommon
White Crystal The Wasteland Uncommon
Capricornus Stone The Wasteland Uncommon
Youl Stone The Wasteland Uncommon
Win Stone The Wasteland Uncommon
Hagal Stone The Wasteland Uncommon
White Hearts The Wasteland Uncommon
Petil The Wasteland Uncommon
Denim The Wasteland Uncommon
Meteorite The Wasteland Rare
Sheer Linen The Wasteland Rare
Dry Scale The Wasteland Rare
Shining Stone The Wasteland Rare
Hime The Wasteland Rare
Patterned Leather The Wasteland Rare
Spiritual Stone of Fire The Wasteland Rare
Metil The Wasteland Rare
Lisent Na The Wasteland Rare
Philosopher Stone The Wasteland Rare
Sephiroth Wood The Wasteland Rare
Otherworldly Metal The Wasteland Rare
Dry Leather The Wasteland Rare
Ore of Fire The Wasteland Rare
Enthiric The Wasteland Epic
Hermes The Wasteland Epic
Spiritual Stone of Hebarn The Wasteland Epic
Lisent Cr The Wasteland Epic
Low Enthiric The Wasteland Epic
Lisent Au The Wasteland Epic
Spiritual Stone of Oro The Wasteland Epic
Broken Horn The Wasteland Common
Nymph Essence The Wasteland Common
Light Stone The Wasteland Common
Misian The Wasteland Common
Crystal Stone The Wasteland Common
Green Crystal The Wasteland Uncommon
Air Stone The Wasteland Uncommon
Hersian The Wasteland Uncommon
Wool The Wasteland Uncommon
Blue Crystal The Wasteland Uncommon
Red Crystal The Wasteland Uncommon
Peos Stone The Wasteland Uncommon
Ancient Scarab The Wasteland Uncommon
Chromium The Wasteland Uncommon
White Crystal The Wasteland Uncommon
Capricornus Stone The Wasteland Uncommon
Youl Stone The Wasteland Uncommon
Win Stone The Wasteland Uncommon
Hagal Stone The Wasteland Uncommon
White Hearts The Wasteland Uncommon
Petil The Wasteland Uncommon
Denim The Wasteland Uncommon
Meteorite The Wasteland Rare
Sheer Linen The Wasteland Rare