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Rose Hero Armory

Rose Hero Drop Wiki

Rose Hero Drop Wiki

Material Name Drop Location Rarity
Black Hearts Goblin Cave (B3) Uncommon
Aries Stone Goblin Cave (B3) Uncommon
Taurus Stone Goblin Cave (B3) Uncommon
Gemini Stone Goblin Cave (B3) Uncommon
Rag Stone Goblin Cave (B3) Uncommon
Iron Thread Goblin Cave (B3) Uncommon
Tender Leather Goblin Cave (B3) Uncommon
Tiar Goblin Cave (B3) Uncommon
Cinnamon Wood Goblin Cave (B3) Uncommon
Green Hearts Goblin Cave (B3) Uncommon
Hard Leather Goblin Cave (B3) Rare
Unprocessed Metal Goblin Cave (B3) Rare
Demon Metal Goblin Cave (B3) Rare
Jilsian Goblin Cave (B3) Rare
Plain Weave Goblin Cave (B3) Rare
Damascus Goblin Cave (B3) Rare
Aetil Goblin Cave (B3) Rare
Spiritual Stone of Water Goblin Cave (B3) Rare
Ore of Water Goblin Cave (B3) Rare
Dragon Scale Goblin Cave (B3) Rare
Spiritual Stone of Arua Goblin Cave (B3) Epic
Black Animal Tail Fur Magic City of the Eucar Common
Fire Stone Magic City of the Eucar Common
Wind Stone Magic City of the Eucar Common
Earth Stone Magic City of the Eucar Common
Pink Powder Magic City of the Eucar Common
Orange Powder Magic City of the Eucar Common
Broken Metal Fragment Magic City of the Eucar Common
Animal Tail Fur Magic City of the Eucar Common
Animal Leg Bone Magic City of the Eucar Common
Red Powder Magic City of the Eucar Common
Glue Magic City of the Eucar Common
Dyes Magic City of the Eucar Common
Golden Powder Magic City of the Eucar Common
Paulownia Wood Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Granite Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Low Ether Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Ether Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Transparent Powder Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Ice Shard Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Prophet Wing Piece Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Frozen Scales Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Silver Iron Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Blue Hearts Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Leo Stone Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Virgo Stone Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Rad Stone Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Sigel Stone Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Gorgeous Leather Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Pink Hearts Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Cancer Stone Magic City of the Eucar Uncommon
Gold Thread Magic City of the Eucar Rare
Precious Platinum Thread Magic City of the Eucar Rare
Platinum Thread Magic City of the Eucar Rare
Wolf Steel Magic City of the Eucar Rare
Red Sandalwood Magic City of the Eucar Rare
Transparent Leather Magic City of the Eucar Rare
Mythril Magic City of the Eucar Rare
Lusian Magic City of the Eucar Rare
Twill Magic City of the Eucar Rare
Molive Magic City of the Eucar Rare
Dead Wood Magic City of the Eucar Rare
Spiritual Stone of Wind Magic City of the Eucar Rare
Ore of Wind Magic City of the Eucar Rare
Mystic Charm Magic City of the Eucar Epic
Black Animal Tail Fur Mana Snowfields Common
Fire Stone Mana Snowfields Common
Wind Stone Mana Snowfields Common
Earth Stone Mana Snowfields Common
Pink Powder Mana Snowfields Common
Orange Powder Mana Snowfields Common
Broken Metal Fragment Mana Snowfields Common
Animal Tail Fur Mana Snowfields Common
Animal Leg Bone Mana Snowfields Common
Red Powder Mana Snowfields Common
Glue Mana Snowfields Common
Dyes Mana Snowfields Common
Golden Powder Mana Snowfields Common
Paulownia Wood Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Granite Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Low Ether Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Ether Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Transparent Powder Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Ice Shard Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Prophet Wing Piece Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Frozen Scales Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Silver Iron Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Blue Hearts Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Leo Stone Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Virgo Stone Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Rad Stone Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Sigel Stone Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Gorgeous Leather Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Pink Hearts Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Cancer Stone Mana Snowfields Uncommon
Gold Thread Mana Snowfields Rare
Precious Platinum Thread Mana Snowfields Rare
Platinum Thread Mana Snowfields Rare
Wolf Steel Mana Snowfields Rare
Red Sandalwood Mana Snowfields Rare