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Rose Hero Armory

Rose Hero Drop Wiki

Rose Hero Drop Wiki

Material Name Drop Location Rarity
Golden Orlean Shoes The Golden Ring Epic
Elven Orlean Shoes The Golden Ring Epic
Demon Hunter Hat Adventure Plains Epic
Dark Hunter Hat Adventure Plains Epic
Grand Hunter Hat Adventure Plains Epic
Golden Hunter Hat Valley of Luxem Tower Epic
Elven Hunter Hat Valley of Luxem Tower Epic
Legend Hunter Hat Valley of Luxem Tower Epic
Demon Criker Hat Canyon City of Zant Epic
Dark Criker Hat Canyon City of Zant Epic
Grand Criker Hat Breezy Hills Epic
Golden Criker Hat Breezy Hills Epic
Elven Criker Hat El Verloon Desert Epic
Legend Criker Hat El Verloon Desert Epic
Saint Criker Hat Valley of Luxem Tower Epic
Demon Ranger Hat Anima Lake Epic
Dark Ranger Hat Anima Lake Epic
Grand Ranger Hat City of Junon Kingdom Epic
Golden Ranger Hat City of Junon Kingdom Epic
Elven Ranger Hat Forest of Wisdom Epic
Legend Ranger Hat Forest of Wisdom Epic
Saint Ranger Hat El Verloon Desert Epic
Demon Black Pirate Hat Kenji Beach Epic
Dark Black Pirate Hat Kenji Beach Epic
Grand Black Pirate Hat Kenji Beach Epic
Golden Black Pirate Hat Gorge of Silence Epic
Elven Black Pirate Hat Gorge of Silence Epic
Legend Black Pirate Hat Gorge of Silence Epic
Saint Black Pirate Hat Forest of Wisdom Epic
Demon Mariner's Hat Goblin Cave (B1) Epic
Dark Mariner's Hat Goblin Cave (B1) Epic
Grand Mariner's Hat Goblin Cave (B1) Epic
Golden Mariner's Hat Goblin Cave (B2) Epic
Elven Mariner's Hat Goblin Cave (B2) Epic
Legend Mariner's Hat Goblin Cave (B2) Epic
Saint Mariner's Hat Gorge of Silence Epic
Demon Jaguar Head Goblin Cave (B3) Epic
Dark Jaguar Head Magic City of the Eucar Epic
Grand Jaguar Head Magic City of the Eucar Epic
Golden Jaguar Head Arumic Valley Epic
Elven Jaguar Head Arumic Valley Epic
Legend Jaguar Head Crystal Snowfields Epic
Saint Jaguar Head Goblin Cave (B2) Epic
Demon Wild Hawker Hat Freezing Plateau Epic
Dark Wild Hawker Hat Freezing Plateau Epic
Grand Wild Hawker Hat Mount Eruca Epic
Golden Wild Hawker Hat Mount Eruca Epic
Elven Wild Hawker Hat Mana Snowfields Epic
Legend Wild Hawker Hat Mana Snowfields Epic
Saint Wild Hawker Hat Crystal Snowfields Epic
Triggerman Head Desert of the Dead Epic
Triggerman Head Desert of the Dead Epic
Triggerman Head Desert of the Dead Epic
Golden Triggerman Head Desert of the Dead Epic
Elven Triggerman Head Desert of the Dead Epic
Saint Triggerman Head Goblin Cave (B3) Epic
Saint Triggerman Head Desert of the Dead Epic
Captain Hawker Hat Shady Jungle Epic
Captain Hawker Hat Shady Jungle Epic
Captain Hawker Hat Forest of Wandering Epic
Golden Captain Hawker Hat Forest of Wandering Epic
Elven Captain Hawker Hat Shady Jungle Epic
Saint Captain Hawker Hat Mana Snowfields Epic
Saint Captain Hawker Hat Forest of Wandering Epic
Netherworld Hat Forest of Wandering Epic
Saint Netherworld Hat Shady Jungle Epic
Netherworld Hat Forest of Wandering Epic
Saint Steel Resolve Hat Sikuku Underground Prison Epic
Legend Steel Resolve Hat Marsh of Ghosts Epic
Demon Shadow Fall Headband Oblivion Temple (B2) Epic
Dark Shadow Fall Headband Oblivion Temple (B4) Epic
Grand Shadow Fall Headband Gates of Muris Epic
Golden Shadow Fall Headband Oblivion Temple (B3) Epic
Elven Shadow Fall Headband Wasteland Ruins Path Epic
Elven Shadow Fall Headband The Wasteland Epic
Demon Raptor Head Wreckage of The Blinding Mist Epic
Dark Raptor Head Fossil Sanctuary Epic
Grand Raptor Head The Wasteland Epic
Grand Raptor Head The Wasteland Epic
Golden Raptor Head The Golden Ring Epic
Elven Raptor Head The Golden Ring Epic
Elven Hunter Chest Adventure Plains Epic
Grand Hunter Chest Adventure Plains Epic
Golden Hunter Chest Adventure Plains Epic
Dark Hunter Chest Valley of Luxem Tower Epic
Demon Hunter Chest Valley of Luxem Tower Epic
Legend Hunter Chest Valley of Luxem Tower Epic
Elven Criker Chest Canyon City of Zant Epic
Grand Criker Chest Canyon City of Zant Epic
Golden Criker Chest Breezy Hills Epic
Dark Criker Chest Breezy Hills Epic
Demon Criker Chest El Verloon Desert Epic
Legend Criker Chest El Verloon Desert Epic
Saint Criker Chest Valley of Luxem Tower Epic
Elven Ranger Chest Anima Lake Epic
Grand Ranger Chest Anima Lake Epic
Golden Ranger Chest City of Junon Kingdom Epic
Dark Ranger Chest City of Junon Kingdom Epic
Demon Ranger Chest Forest of Wisdom Epic
Legend Ranger Chest Forest of Wisdom Epic